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Iโ€™m a bit of a collector, so I have a โ€œmodestโ€ collection.

My game collection consists mostly of FPS's and RPG's because they are two of my favorite genre's. I will admit that I am more of a fan of Western RPG's than Japanese because of the tendencies for Westerns being non-linear and customizable.

For movies, I love horror films, sci-fi and action flics, so that's what my DVD/Blu-rays primarly consist of. I have other genres, but a quick glance at my collection will show what I like to watch.


7 votes
My Top Ten Co-Op's (10 items)
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Published 15 years, 6 months ago 3 comments
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My 10 Favorite XBLA Games (10 items)
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Published 14 years, 5 months ago
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The Best Sonic Games (Old School 2D). (15 items)
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Published 15 years, 3 months ago 1 comment
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Top 10 Zombie Stomping games (10 items)
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Published 15 years, 4 months ago 2 comments
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The Best Main Mario Games (20 items)
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Published 14 years, 9 months ago 1 comment

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ModNation Racers review

Posted : 14 years, 9 months ago on 5 June 2010 06:01 (A review of ModNation Racers)

As Kart racers go, Modnation Racers is pretty basic, but with it's own twists. The game only has 4 weapons, but each weapon can be leveled up 3 times and each one has a secondary feature that allows you to plant it behind you as a mine.

There is a standard rocket powerup that can be leveled from a single straight rocket to a swarm of multiple homing rockets; a sonic boom that hits around you to a devestating sonic rift that hits nearly anyone remotely near you; a lightning strike that can hit someone in front of you to a storm that hits everyone on the track; and a boost power up that gives you a nice boost up to a complete warp ahead on the track. Although these power ups can be stacked, they also can be lost if you get hit by someone else's attack, so the risk and reward system is there.

To keep the game from being a relentless stream of attacks that can demolish a player, there is the use of a shield that can be used, given you have enough boost, to protect from any particular attack, giving players a slight reprieve from the onslaught.

The karts themselves can be adjusted to to have a drift vs. handling and speed vs. acceleration, so it's up to the player on how they want their kart to handle.

The game sports some pretty nice tracks included on the disc that are quite inventive by themselves, but it's really the Modnation community that gives this game one of the best track selection of any kart racer, or racer PERIOD. With a community constantly developing their own tracks, there is no end to what can be played on, and this is where the game really shines compared to the competition. Not only the tracks, but the racer and the karts they race on can all be customized to however the player wants, which gives this game replayability beyond scope.

But, there is a catch. In order to get the full potential to create, you have to play through the career mode. And Modnation Racers' career mode is, for a lack of a better word, BRUTAL. The A.I. can get particularly difficult the later you go through the career. Not only this, but to unlock many of the items to use in customizing, you must complete challenges for a race while also finishing the race, typically only counting if you placed 1st. So needless to say, it can be extremely hard to complete first in a race with rubberbanding A.I. that will barrage you with a devastating attack, most likely on the final lap and near the finish line.

Luckily there is a pretty robust online mode that allows ranked and social game lobbies, the social lobbies allowing for everything from the mode of play, A.I. inclusion and difficulty, laps and any available track (and that includes any custom tracks created). Going online even allows for splitscreen matches that allows a buddy to play with you, if only in the social game lobbies. Offline has the same options with up to 4 player splitscreen.

As great as the game is for it's customization, multiplayer and community, the game does have one glaring fault that can really get on your nerves; the load times. The load times for this game is one of the worst loading times I've seen for a game and can get down right ridiculous. Starting the game alone forces you to wait up to 2 minutes to even go into the main lobby of the game, the Modspot. Even in the Modspot, you have to endure ANOTHER loading screen if you want to do anything, and those can go from typical loading time to another ridiculous amount.

In summation, the game is worthwhile, despite some of it's faults (and remember, the loading times are going to be patched, so expect some faster loading times in the future). If you really love kart racers, this game is definitely recommended, but if you are into the whole customization and personalization aspect of gaming, and are a big fan of LittleBigPlanet for that same reason, you will LOVE this game.

+Tons of replayability
+Infinite customization
+Fun kart racer
+Robust multiplayer options

-Loading times are brutal
-Career mode A.I. can be frustrating later on.
-Full customization options only unlock after completing difficult challenges in the career.

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Ryguy commented on a list
Hollywood's Cheating Hearts (38 person items)

"Well I suppose you can now update the list to include the whole Kristen Stewart deal."

12 years, 7 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
Not only Disney made โ€‹โ€‹our childhood (157 movies items)

"Holy crap, this list is fully of win, I forgot about some of these shows and didn't realize the existence of others. I even remember SWAT Cats when that first came out, even if it didn't last long, i"

12 years, 7 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
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12 years, 10 months ago
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"Good list, I'd say Mike Myers first played a surprising role in Studio 54, it was his first serious role after typically playing comedic roles."

14 years, 4 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
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"Nice list, I think some people have forgotten that Linda Hamilton has a twin, she even played as the "fake" Sarah Conner."

14 years, 4 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
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"Nice list, you could even put in Batman Begins and Dark Knight since many consider the Dark Knight to be by far the best movie based off of comics. Spider-man and Spider-man 2 also come to mind in th"

14 years, 4 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
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"Good list, forgot about some of the movies you listed. Some stinkers to note would be from Rocky and Bullwinkle and Stardust. I was not a fan of his performances from those. Maybe it was because he"

14 years, 4 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
Mind fuck (86 movies items)

"Good list, I'd have to say that any film made by Terry Gilliam can be considered a mind fuck. Some of his earlier works, like the Adventures of Barron Munchousen(hard to spell) and Time Bandits, are "

14 years, 4 months ago
Ryguy commented on a list
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"Very good idea for a list, most of those titles are actually some of my own first games. Kinda funny how you remember the first title, which always seems to be the one that made you wanna buy the con"

14 years, 5 months ago
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"Nice list, there are other classics out there, but that's a loose definition. Serious Sam titles are considered classic, so are the Marathon games, Quake, and even the first Half-Life. Is there a ti"

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Posted: 13 years, 12 months ago at Mar 21 18:48
thank you very very much for your vote and your great comment on the pokemon list :D very much appreciated :)
Posted: 14 years, 3 months ago at Nov 30 14:39
Thanks for the vote and for the comment! The twist in Full Metal Jacket was when Joker shot the woman and I really didn't think he would do that. That was a scene that really surprised me.
Posted: 14 years, 3 months ago at Nov 18 20:22
Whoops! I read that about you not accepting friend requests after sending one.

Aaaanyway, thanks for the vote on Sonic the Hedgehog Series. I've updated it with both versions of Sonic Colors and categorized everything.